A life coach helps you get clarity about the direction of your life and maximise your potential. Unlike counselling or therapy, as a life coach I am interested in where you are now and where you truly want to be. 

I am a certified life coach which means I am  qualified to challenge, motivate, encourage and support you in achieving your goals. I help you discover your inner values and beliefs to motivate action in moving you towards your purpose. Whilst working with me you will discover your strengths and hidden abilities to fast-track your goals and ultimately live a happier life.

Life coaching works because it focuses on exactly what you want to achieve and helps you get there faster by identifying any previous blocks or limitations and working through them. 

Using the tools and techniques I will teach you will help you become more outcome and focus driven in your goal achievement. A life coach is able to keep you focused and on track by identifying available options that you may not have considered.

Although both coaches and counsellors offer a support system to help you gain strength and clarity to move forward. Most forms of therapy, including counselling, focus on ‘what has happened’. They are concerned with ‘the problem’ and with regaining mental balance and perspective. 

As a coach I focus on what is possible. Coaching is future focused, action oriented and supportive in helping clients move towards their goals. 

I am trained to help my clients get ‘unstuck’ and move forward in life.

Counsellors are trained in human development and mental health conditions.

The simple answer is everyone can use a life coach at some time in their life. However, there are some common characteristics of people who have a life coach; a deep desire for change, a need for direction and focus in achieving their dreams.

Research has shown that people who have a life coach remain more focused and gain quicker results with the support and guidance of a coach.

Powerful, exciting and intense – yet safe, confidential and supportive. It can feel strange at first to have the focus of a conversation on yourself and your life situations. As you commit to new actions, set yourself new compelling & achievable goals. You will feel determined, purposeful, gain clarity, confidence and improve your self-belief. 

They don’t, but they do know how to help you do your best thinking, come to thoughtful decisions and make things happen. Many coaches, myself included, will offer various exercises and Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) techniques that can be helpful to overcome barriers, self-doubt and limitations in order to build confidence, self-belief and execute the desired plan. 

NLP is a method of reprogramming the mind using conversation in I order to release negative thought patterns and behaviours by changing how you feel about these experiences. 

It relates to thoughts, language, and patterns of behaviour learned through experience to specific outcomes. 

It’s a friendly discussion. First, we look at the challenges and issues that are concerning you. I’ll explain the way that my style of coaching may help you achieve the changes you desire and the different approaches we could adopt.

Then we’ll do 15-20 of more focused coaching on a topic of your choice. This will help you decide whether coaching is right for you and whether I’m the right coach for you.

Finally, I’ll ask very simply if you would like to do more work with me. There is no obligation to say yes and at no point during the call do I assume that you will become a client.

Each of the sessions is built upon the previous coaching session ensuring a clear and definite path to the outcomes decided upon.

During each session, we’ll review the actions and achievements from the last session as well as look at general progress made and celebrate wins. We’ll look at your present position in relation to your goal as well as any obstacles that may need overcoming.

Exploring what actions and behaviours worked and what didn’t, will be important for formulating new action steps.

Lastly, we will want to look at what actions you want to set for yourself for the next session’s goal.

Most of my coaching takes place online over zoom as I coach people from around the world. Online coaching has been one of the most effective and convenient ways for individuals to take time out from their busy schedules.

I also offer email, telephone and face-to-face coaching which can take place either in a coffee shop or outside in nature.

Sessions are approximately 60 minutes. 

Coaching and Neuro Linguistic programming (NLP) sessions can be weekly or fortnightly, whatever you feel comfortable with.

However, I do recommend weekly sessions for the ‘LEVEL UP with Ren’ package. 

This allows regular contact to work through any obstacles, level up at an accelerated pace & complete action steps easily before the next session.

Most people I see believe that coaching is self-investment. Coaching cost can vary depending on what is required by the client and the type of coaching offered. The cost of having a life coach is a very small price to pay for the life-changing transformation you’ll have.

Book a free consultation here to explore your options.

My clients pay by bank transfer or credit card (via PayPal). Some business clients pay via their company invoicing system.

First and foremost, all coaching is an investment in oneself. Having a coach is having someone who has your best interests at heart, who can help you work through things by holding up a mirror of your life from a different perspective & helping you see the path ahead. 

Having life coaching will help you uncover hidden beliefs that can sabotage your growth and success. I guide my clients in a non-judgmental, supportive, and encouraging way. I help keep you focused on where you want to be, as well as motivate you in moving forward.

Book a free consultation to find out how you can apply mindset techniques to achieve your goals.

I am an internationally recognised and board-certified Life & Success coach and NLP practitioner. I have worked with many clients and conducted over a thousand hours of one-to-one coaching.

Please see my success stories page for an extensive range of client testimonials.

I am based in the UK however my coaching hours are flexible in order to accommodate international clients. Please check my scheduling link for availability.